Write-In Contest Brewing in Mount Pocono Borough Council Race

“Save Mount Pocono” team urging bi-partisan write-in ticket

State Representative Maureen Madden Quietly Asking Voters to Write-in Former Mayor 

MAY 16 2023

Former appointed mayor Michael Penn, after being soundly rejected by the voters in November 2021, pictured here trying to claim a council seat at the January 2022 meeting but is told by the solicitor that his appointment had no legal effect. Penn refused to leave the council table and remained in place, despite being ignored, for the entire meeting. He is apparently trying again to get on the ballot running a “secret” write-in campaign. (BTN File Photo)

MOUNT POCONO – “Save Mount Pocono,” the bi-partisan alliance which succeeded in changing the face of Mount Pocono government two years ago, is back this year with another bi-partisan push – voters are being asked to write-in incumbent council members Debra Fulton and Norman Delano on the Republican and Democratic ballots, respectively.

Their campaign is a public-facing one with candidate representation at the polls to discuss voter concerns. The opportunity arose this year when only three Republicans and three Democratic candidates filed for the four seats up on council this year.

On the Republican side, incumbents Norman Delano and Ella Santiago are joined by Joseph Simeone. The Democratic Party is represented by incumbents Claudette Williams and Debra Fulton, as well as candidate Erin Melbert.

The Save Mount Pocono group, which successfully replaced Mayor Michael Penn, as well as all but one seat on the former borough council, is asking voters to place Debra Fulton in the open slot on the Republican side, and Norman Delano on the Democratic.

Voters have told The Boro & Towne News that state representative Maureen Madden is pushing Mr. Penn – soundly rejected by voters in the previous municipal elections – for the fourth spot.  Mr. Penn, originally appointed to the mayor slot, was involved in numerous controversial actions and incidents and ultimately was the focus of a bi-partisan group of former borough elected officials calling for him to step down. He refused, but was soundly defeated in his first try for a full term in office.

Neither Mr. Penn nor Ms. Madden have made their effort to put him back in office public. Mr. Penn has not appeared at the Mount Pocono polling place today to face voters and ask for their vote and appears to be on the list of voters voting by absentee or mail-in ballot. Neither Ms. Madden nor Mr. Penn responded to an invitation to comment for this article.